Customer and Vehicle Management | Detailed customer information | | Search for customers by any field | | Self-maintains customer status | | Auto completion of the city and state from the zip code (in the USA only). | | Fast customers and vehicles entry. | | Report of customers who need to be notified for the revision or service of their vehicle. | | Customized letter, to notify customers about services or maintenances of their vehicles. | | History of jobs made to vehicles. | | Database with more that 22500 vehicle models. | | Accounts Receivable by customer or insurance company. | Parts Inventory | Prints bar coded labels for any item in inventory (When printing labels from a parts order, provides option to have label quantities match items quantities. This means that every item in your inventory can have a bar code associated with it) | | Parts inventory with serial numbers. | | 4 different prices for selling. | | Parts whith bar codes in the most widely used formats UPC-A, EAN 13, EAN 8, Code 39, Code 128A, Code 128B, Code 128C. | | Bar codes labels printing in Avery layout. | | Fractional on-hand quantities. | | Kardex for the control of the inventory items movements. | | Control and handling of inventory items and sub-items. | | Update of inventory items prices according to the last purchase made. | | Unlimited entries for vendors by part. | | The last gross cost record by vendor. | | Picture of inventory part. | | It can establish default price of sale. | | It can to be recorded other costs associated with the inventory part. | | Record date of the last purchase. | | Tax percent or tax free by inventory part. | | Quantity on backorder record. | | Warehouse and location record. | | Short description, Purchase description and Sales description by item. | | Search on Main Code, Alternate Code, Short Description, Purchase Description, Sales Description, Condition, Default Price, Gross cost with taxes, Gross cost without taxes, Last Purchase Date, Location, Make, Retail, Sale, whosale and minimun Prices with or without taxes and profit %, and others fields. Include find best match, find all match and range of values. | | On screen you can see the bar code and the items and sub-items in the shape of tree. | | Work sheet for inventory control and verification. | Non Inventory Parts | Gross cost record. | | Database with 1175 codified description parts. | | Sale description and purchase description separated. | Reporting, Listings and Documents | Warehouse | | Customers Listing (Vehicles Included) | | Complete Inventory Listing | | Filtered Inventory Listing | | Insurance Companies | | Labors | | Makes and Models | | Insurance Adjusters | | Technicians | | Insurance Agents | | Vendors | | Non-Inventory Parts | | Vehicles | | Pending Estimates | | Estimates Listing | | Total Loss Vehicles | | Invoicing Summary | | Vehicles Invoiced by Insurance Agent | | Accounts Receivables | | Invoices with Parts Pending | | Inventory Item | | Estimates Profit Report | | Invoices Profit Report | | Bills Accounts Payables | | Labors Accounts Payables | | Checks | | Invoices for Customers | | Invoices for Insurance Companies | | Quotations Request | | Quotations Request from Invoices | | Non-Inventory Purchase Order | | Inventory Purchase Order | | Work Order | | Estimate | | Serials Listing | | Customers Listing (Vehicles Not Included) | | Customers Payments History | | Insurance Companies Payments History | | Customers Payment Receipt | | Insurance Companies Payment Receipt | | Vehicles History | | Services & Repairs | | Listing of Reminders of Services to Customers | | Letter Reminders of Services to Customers | | Kardex | | Any report, listing or document can be exported to formats such as .doc, .xls, .pdf, .html and .xml. | | Any report, listing or document can be sent by e-mail. | | Any report, listing or document can be re-designed by the user. | | Extensive and multiple options of filtering for all the different reports. | Others Features | Navigator for easy access to the most used modules. | | Database with more than 1200 descriptions for predefined jobs, entirely configurable. | | Write Checks Module. | | Data backup and restore system. | | Data re-indexing system. | | Auto-completion during data entry and text. | Insurance Companies Management | Complete insurance company's record. | | Complete insurance agent's record. | | Complete insurance adjuster's record. | | Insurance companies Accounts receivable. | | History of payments received. | | Send estimates by e-mail to the insurance company. | | Control of parts supplied by the insurance company. | | Control of adjustments of prices in estimates done by the insurance company. | | Repair order management generated by insurance company. | | Options for invoicing addressed to insurance companies. | | Send invoices by e-mail to the insurance company. | | Listing Insurance Companies. | | Total loss vehicles control. | | Listing vehicles invoiced by insurance agent. | | Insurance companies payments history. | |  |  |  | Estimating | Easy and fast generation of Repair Estimates. | | Profit Report directly from estimates to maximize revenue in your auto body shop. | | Labor assignments are scheduled directly from the modules of Repair Estimates or Vehicle Entry. | | Control and handling of Outsource Job. | | Control of affiliated insurance companies (Auto Body Shop). | | Control and handling of services or repair packages. | | Help available for selection of inventory or non-inventory parts in Repair Estimates. | | Paint Wizard (Auto Body Shop). | | High-end presentation for Repair Estimates. | | Export capabilities for estimates into formats such as .doc, .xls, .pdf, .html and .xml. | | Send estimates by e-mail to the customer or insurance company. | | Control of parts supplied by the insurance company or the customer. | | Easy and fast customer and vehicle search. | | Vehicle history. | | Work order directly from estimates. | | Prints parts quote request directly from the estimates. | | 4 Pictures of the vehicle. | | Control of adjustments of prices done by the insurance company. | | Any inventory item can be added to an estimate by scanning its bar code | | Information Menu by clicking the mouse’s right button. | | Search on Estimate Number, Vehicle Plate, Customer Name, Vehicle Model, Vehicle Color, Vehicle VIN, Vehicle Year, Odometer, Claim Number, Work Description, Insurance Policy Number, Elaborated By, and others fields. Include find best match, find all match and range of values. | Invoicing | Easy and fast generation of Repair Invoices from an estimate or in a new invoice. | | Different options for invoicing addressed to customers or insurance companies. | | Profit Report directly from invoices to maximize revenue in your auto body shop. | | Control and handling of Outsource Job. | | Control of affiliated insurance companies (Auto Body Shop). | | Control and handling of services or repair packages. | | Help available for selection of inventory or non-inventory parts in Repair Invoices. | | Paint Wizard (Auto Body Shop). | | High-end presentation for Repair Invoices. | | Export capabilities for estimates into formats such as .doc, .xls, .pdf, .html and .xml. | | Send invoices by e-mail to the customer or insurance company. | | Easy and fast customer and vehicle search. | | Vehicle history. | | Prints parts serials numbers. | | 4 Pictures of the vehicle. | | Control of parts suppied by the insurance company or the customer. | | Control of payments received in check, cash, credit cards or compound. | | History of payments received. | | Print summary of payments received. | | Print receipt of payment received. | | Any inventory item can be added to an invoice by scanning its bar code | | Control of vehicles pending for parts. | | Information Menu by clicking the mouse’s right button. | | Accounts receivable. | | Search on Invoice Physical Number, Invoice Logic Number, Clain Number, License PLate, Customer Name Vehicle Model Amount, and others fields. Include find best match, find all match and range of values. | Vendor Management | Non-Inventory Purchase Orders. | | Inventory Purchase Orders. | | Import of parts to the purchases orders from the estimates | | Control of reception and payments of vendors invoices. | | Purchases returns system. | | Control of payments to invoices received with use of credits generated to the vendors by returns. | | Accounts payable listing. | | The purchase order can be sent by e-mail to the vendor. | Mailing & Marketing | Print reminder letter for next service to cliens. | | Print or export reminder listing for next service. | | Customize completely your messages to customers. | | Supports emailing and/or printing of letters. | | Supports long or short Recommended Repair descriptions. | Technicians Management | Record of technicians. | | Supports hourly or flat rate by technicians. | | Labor assignments directly from the Repair Estimates or Vehicle Entry. | | Payments control with accounts payable to technicians per hour or flat rate. | | Payments history to technicians. | Security | Control of multiple types of users with different privileges. | | Registry of events where all the moves and actions conducted by the users within the system are registered. | | You can configure your system to change password next login. | | Supports groups of users with the same privileges. | Services or Repair Packages | Labor assignment to technicians. | | Help available for selection of parts. | | Control and handling of Outsourced Jobs. | | Entry of the next service by millaje or days. | | Unlimited number of lines for data entry. | Vehicle Status | Repair or service status in real time with progress bar. | | All labor assignments can be marked like ended as the labor is completed. | | Search on vehicle licence plate number. | |